Magnifier.Com Price Guarantee

Our goal at is to provide you with the best service and the best price. We are so confident that you will be completely satisfied that we back up every order with a Price Guarantee.

Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not pleased with your order, we try our best to make it right, or give you a full refund of the listed product cost. All returns must be in new unused condition. Specific and exact terms can be found in our customer service section.

Price Guarantee: *Price matched product must:

Be the exact brand and model.

Be in stock with the discount price currently advertised, and have a stated shipping cost.

The price considered will be the total price (including minimum purchase quantities, shipping charges, taxes, and other charges that may apply, Competitor must have/show shipping cost, Free shipping offers & promotions do not apply to price matching).

Price-match products are not eligible for additional special offers or discounts. And cannot be from a or Electro Optix related web site.

Claims for a refund of the price difference of products purchased from must be made within 5 days from purchase date.

Price guarantee does not apply to Carson, Donegan, or Ultra-Optix branded products.

Competitors promo codes, free shipping promotions, and paid subscription price membership pricing are not valid for price match.

All price matching is at the sole discretion of subject to change at any time without prior notice.

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